The 2025-2026 school calendar was recently approved by the School Committee. All of the key dates for next school year, including the first day of school, early release dates, and vacation days/days off from school are included. Take a look at it here: https://5il.co/38n1g

We will be one of the school districts at the MPDE Educator Diversity Career Fair on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The fair takes place from 10am-2pm at Brookline High School. If you are looking for a career in education, or know someone who is, check out the flyer for more information. Click here for the registration form: https://forms.gle/yPo9xDRT5VpB1vaR6

The Stoughton School Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7pm in the conference room at the SPS District Office, 31 Pierce St. An agenda for the meeting can be found here: https://5il.co/38ea9. This meeting features a Superintendent Candidate Interview with Juliette Miller, current Principal at Stoughton High School. For more information about Superintendent succession planning, please see this update: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/article/2044197.

Welcome back from February vacation! We hope you enjoyed the break! Students and staff returned to school on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Now that we are in December and the official start of winter is right around the corner, here is a reminder of our school cancellation and delayed opening plan for when there is inclement weather: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/cancellation-delayed-opening-plan

Thursday, December 12, 2024 is an early release day for the Stoughton Public Schools. Here are the school hours for early release days: SHS & OMS - 7:35am - 11:32am; Elementary Schools - 8:30am - 12:20pm; Preschool - 8:30am - 11:00am (No afternoon preschool session). Lunch will still be served.

Breakfast and lunch menus for December have been posted on the website. You can view them here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus

In appreciation of our educators' dedication to students with unique learning needs, the Stoughton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) created the Bright Knight Award to recognize the daily support given to our students. SEPAC invited parents whose children have Individualized Education Plans or 504s to nominate staff members who have supported their children's journey to achieve their full potential. Congratulations to the winners of the inaugural Bright Knight Award!

Upcoming days off from school: There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Schools are closed for a staff professional development day. Students will return to school on Wednesday, November 6. And, there is also no school on Monday, November 11, 2024 in observance of Veterans Day. The District office and school offices are also closed on Veterans Day.

Breakfast and lunch menus for November have been posted on the website. You can view them here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus

Massachusetts STEM Week post: Stoughton High students in a statistics class are pictured here calculating probability models using dice to learn about independent and mutually exclusive events.

The USBands State Marching Band Championships are being held at Stoughton High on Saturday, October 26 (at Veterans Memorial Stadium)! This is a great chance to see many high school marching bands perform, including our very own SHS Marching Black Knights! Stoughton's performance is scheduled for 6:30pm.

The Jones Early Childhood Center's PTO is hosting a "Touch a Truck" event this coming Saturday, October 26 from 10am-1pm at the Jones (rear parking lot via Park Ave.).

MassBioEd recently visited O'Donnell Middle School science classes to teach a nature of science lesson. 8th grade classes had an electrophoresis lab where students practiced using micropipettes to transfer precise amounts of liquids into their gel. After running the electrophoresis unit students were able to make claims about the particle size and particle charge of each liquid.

Thank you SFD firefighter Andy Kelly for visiting Gibbons kindergarten classes for Fire Prevention Week!

Here is a look at what Dawe School Artists have been working on recently in art class!

Fire Prevention Week was October 6-12 and Hansen School students enjoyed a visit from the Stoughton Fire Department for a lesson about fire safety. Fire safety assemblies will continue at our elementary schools throughout the month.

As part of the C.A.R.E.S. initiative at the Wilkins School, students learn about how to best exemplify the traits of Community, Acceptance, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self Control throughout the school year. The Wilkins focused on the importance of community first this school year. Congratulations to the Wilkins students pictured here for exemplifying community spirit!

Jones Early Childhood Center preschool students and staff are pictured here out on the school’s playground on what was bumblebee pride day (the Jones School mascot is the bumblebee).

Grade 5 artists at the South School had a choice to join an Artober Art Challenge and this week’s prompt was Hot Drink! They could use that idea to create art in any form and here are the results...