Open Enrollment for 2024-2025
This year's Open Enrollment for Health, Dental and Vision Insurance, for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, is now available. Eligible employees wishing to enroll or make changes to existing plans must fill out an application and submit it no later than May 24, 2024. Please note this is the only time that you are able to enroll/change plans for the fiscal year, other than due to a qualifying event.
In addition, the Town of Stoughton is offering an Opt-Out Program for all eligible subscribers currently enrolled in the Town’s health insurance for the year immediately preceding the requested date of cancellation. Details of this program are attached.
Application forms and plan benefit information are attached and also available on the Stoughton Public Schools website.
Please either scan the forms and send via email to or send the forms through yard mail or the US Mail to the Stoughton Public Schools Human Resources Office, 31 Pierce Street, Stoughton, MA 02072 by May 24, 2024.
There will be a Benefits/Wellness Fair on Thursday, May 2nd, 2:30-4:30 pm in the High School Cafeteria. Representatives from HPI, Altus Dental & Vision, PinnacleCare/Health Navigator, Abacus, Lyric, Stoughton Meds, YMCA, Boston Mutual, American Fidelity, Empower Retirement and Stoughton Employee Credit Union will be available to answer questions.
Please feel free to call the Human Resources Office at (781) 344-4000 x70298 with any questions.
What is Open Enrollment?
Open Enrollment is the time of the year where employees can enroll/make changes in the Town sponsored health, dental and vision insurance plans.
When is Open Enrollment?
Open enrollment is from May 1, 2024 to May 24, 2024.
How do I enroll for health, dental or vision insurance?
Application forms and benefit information are available on the Stoughton Public Schools website. See link above.
If I am already enrolled in the health and/or dental insurance plans, do I need to do anything?
No action is necessary to continue present coverage.
Can I only apply for insurance during this period?
Outside of the open enrollment period you need to experience a “qualifying event” such as a change in your household size (getting married, divorced, having a child, etc.), or a loss of your current insurance to enroll or make changes to an existing plan. Additional documentation may be required. Please contact the Business Office for more information.