English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC)
The Stoughton English Learner Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) supports the academic success of all English Learners and former English Learners within the Stoughton Community and provides parents and guardians of English Learners and former English Learners with the opportunity to express their opinions.
Districts that have an ELE program that serves 100 or more English Learners are now required under the LOOK Act of 2017 to establish an ELPAC.
ELPAC is a voluntary group of parents whose children are or were identified as an English Learner (EL) or were former English Learners (FEL).
The purpose of the group is to:
Give parents and EL students a voice within the school district;
Increase parent and community involvement; and
Help build a strong relationship between families and the school community.
The goal of the ELPAC is to promote and support the success of ELs and the ELE program, and build school-family partnerships that regard student learning and school improvement as a shared responsibility between schools and families.