Seal of Biliteracy
Stoughton Public Schools would like to inform the community about its “Seal of Biliteracy” program. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has adopted regulations that describe the criteria that school districts must use to award the State Seal of Biliteracy on the diplomas and transcripts of graduating seniors. While the program is targeted toward seniors in high school, we want to let all families know about the opportunity. An important goal of the Stoughton Public Schools’ World Language and English Language Education Departments is to promote proficiency in two or more languages. The purpose of the seal includes:
Recognizing the value of language diversity
Providing employers with a method of identifying people with language and biliteracy skills
Providing universities with a method to recognize and give credit to applicants for the attainment of high level skills in languages
Preparing students with skills that will benefit them in the labor market and the global society
Strengthening intergroup communication and honoring the multiple cultures and languages in a community
How does a student earn the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation?
If your child is a native speaker or heritage speaker of a language other than English and has attained a high level of literacy in this native or heritage language, then they can apply to take a language proficiency test. If your child is a native English speaker, then they can earn the seal by starting a second language as early as 7th grade. During April of each year, we will offer our World Language Learners and English Language Learners the opportunity to take the AVANT Stamp language exam. Since we need to order test tickets, students would need to complete an application stating their desire for this assessment. The application will be sent out to current seniors and juniors in early March. This exam would in no way affect your child’s grade. The exams are scored externally by certified raters and are reported separately for each of the four domains of language (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) to your child and your child’s teacher.
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Susanne Dunn at or Dr. Amy Quealy at We are very excited about this initiative and the many benefits it will provide and the doors it will open for our students.