Role of the School Nurse
Assess and evaluate student health
Assume the responsibility for assessment and triage of sick and injured children and staff
Student – Parent – School Personnel liaison
Assist in the identification and education of students with special health problems and special educational needs
Respond to frequently encountered health problems:
Nutritional concerns
Substance abuse
Child neglect and abuse
Teen pregnancy
Provide selected health services for school personnel
Provide programs for the prevention and control of disease
Coordinate health services with health education and community agencies
Observe school facilities and recommend modification necessary to maintain optimum health and safety of students and school personnel
Review and update policies/procedures
Screenings and examinations coordination and review:
Pre-school, kindergarten, grade 7 and 11 and athletic physical exams
Vision and hearing screening and referrals as needed
Postural screening grades 5 – 9
Interval health histories grade 4
Maintain accurate immunization records per state and local regulations
Administer medications per school department and Massachusetts Department of Public Health policy
Provide MDPH with monthly and end of the year reports and statistics
Classroom resource person
Individual and group health education