The 4th annual Massachusetts STEM Week took place last week (October 18-22). With a theme of “See Yourself in STEM,” this was a statewide effort to boost the interest, awareness and ability for all learners to envision themselves in STEM education and employment opportunities.
SPS offers a wide variety of STEM opportunities from PreK-12. Every student in SPS takes technology and engineering every year from K-5, STEM class in grades 6-8, and then can choose engineering or computer science pathways in addition to the many math, business, and science courses offered at SHS. All of these courses are designed to expose students to real life applications and opportunities as well as prepare them for higher education or career skills.
We hope you enjoyed all of our #MassSTEMWeek posts we shared across our social media platforms, highlighting the great work being done in our classrooms throughout the Stoughton Public Schools focusing on areas of science, technology, engineering and math. If you missed any of our posts, they are included below.
Even though STEM Week has concluded, we still have some more SPS STEM-related posts to share, so be on the lookout for those this week (week of October 25) on our social media! We'll also be adding them to this page as well.