Senior Districts-MMEA 2024
The following student performed on January 5th & 6th in the Senior Districts at Canton High School. Senior Districts is Massachusetts Music Educators Association, Southeastern District. Students in the Southeastern Massachusetts District Auditioned in November and came together to perform. The following Stoughton High School Students performed in Treble Choral or Mixed Chorus.
Brianna Conway: Soprano - Treble Choral
Emilia Lada: Soprano - Mixed Chorus
Jennifer Theriault: Soprano - Mix Chorus
Kayden Stiles: Alto - Mixed Chorus
Andrew Takang: Tenor - Mixed Chorus
Zachary Chery: Bass - Mixed Chorus
Jacob Marques: Bass - Mixed Chorus
Julius McCann: Bass - Mixed Chorus
Congratulations to all the Students who practiced for many hours before the audition.